
  • Journal Editorial Board
  • Proceedings Editorial and Dissertation
  • Book Chapters
  • Refereed Journal Papers
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Papers in Workshop Proceedings
  • Invited Seminars
  • Tutorial and Training Lectures

Journal Editorial Board

  • Editor-in-Chief, the International Journal on Computers and Their Applications, 2001-2007
  • Associate Editor, Internal Journal on Software Engineering, 2007-present
  • Associate Editor of the Computing Letters, 2004-present.
  • Associate Editor of the International Journal on Computers and Their Applications. March 1994-2001.

Proceeding Editorial and Dissertation

  1. Editor of the proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing and Systems Conference, Las Vegas, September 2005.
  2. Editor of the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing and Systems Conference, Orlando, Florida, October 1995.
  3. Editor of the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing and Systems Conference, Washington, D.C., October 1991.
  4. An associate editor of the proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, May 1991.
  5. Editor of the proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing and Systems Conference, New York, October 1990.
  6. An associate editor of the proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, May 1990.
  7. Editor of the proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Distributed Processing, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, December 1989.
  8. An associate editor of the proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, May 1989.
  9. “Software Optimization Using User Models”, Ph. D., Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Connecticut, December 1983.
  10. “Interactive Grammatical Inference”, M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Connecticut, May 1981.

Book Chapters

  • Sahar Elsisi, S. Rajasekaran and Reda Ammar “Pseudoknot Identification through Learning TAGRNA ” Book Chapter in Pattern recognition in Bioinformatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5265, PP 132-143, 2008
  • Reda Ammar, “Hierarchical Performance Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Software”, Chapter 12, Handbook of Parallel Computing: Models, Algorithms, and Applications, edited by S. Rajasekaran and J.H. Reif, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, December 2007.
  • R. Ammar, S. Demurjian, I. Greenshields, K. Pattipati, and S. Rajasekaran, “Analysis of Heterogeneous Data in Ultrahigh Dimensions,” in Emergent Information Technologies and Enabling Policies for Counter Terrorism. R. Popp and J. Yen (eds.), IEEE Press, Apr. 2006.
  • Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar and Dominic Pagano “Real-Time Recognition of Rail Structures in the Presence of Interference.” Volume 5 of the TONE book series on Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation for the Railroad Industry, page 61-73, ASNT, 2002.

Refereed Journal Papers 

  1. Amal Abd El-Raouf, Tahany Fergany, Reda Ammar, Safwat Hamad, “A Performance-Driven Approach for Restructuring Distributed Object-Oriented Software”. J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2009, (
  2. El Kharboutly, Rehab, Ammar, Reda and Gokhale, Swapna “Architecture-based reliability analysis of continuously running concurrent software applications”,International Journal of Software Engineering, Vol. 1, No.1, January 2008, PP 43-65.
  3. El Kharboutly, Rehab, Ammar, Reda and Gokhale, Swapna, “UML-based Methodology for Reliability Analysis of Concurrent Software Applications”, the International Journal of Computers and Their applications, December 2007, Vol. 14, No.4, PP. 250-259.
  4. El Kharboutly, Rehab, Gokhale, Swapna and Ammar, Reda, ” Architecture- based software reliability analysis incorporating concurrency”, accepted by the International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 479-499, October 2007
  5. Amal Abdel-raouf, Reda Ammar and Tahany Fergany, “Performance-Based Modeling and Restructuring of Object Oriented Software For Pipeline Architecture”, Journal Computational Methods in Science and engineering (JCMSE), April 2007.
  6. Hanan H. Elazhary, Swapna S. Gokhale and Reda Ammar, “An Efficient QoS Monitoring Scheme for Inter-Domain Connections”, International Journal on Computers and Their Applications, Vol. 14, No.1, March 2007.
  7. Debra Smarkusky and Reda Ammar, “Healthcare Management System: An Application of Component-Based Software Architectures with Performance”, International Journal on Computers and Their Applications, Vol. 13, No.4, PP. 182-210, December 200
  8. Dong Guk Shin, S. Rajasekaran, Reda Ammar and G. Zhang “Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Processing Biological Sequences,” International Journal of Computer Applications In Technology, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 119-125, 2006.
  9. Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Reda A. Ammar, Betsy Cheriyan and Leslie Loew, “Parallel Techniques for the Virtual Cell”, Computing Letters, CoLe, Vol. 2, pp. 71-76, 2005.
  10. Reda A. Ammar and Abdulrahman Alhamdan, “Scheduling Real-Time Fork-Join Structures in Cluster Computing”, International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networks, to appear, 2005.
  11. Ehab Abdel Maksoud* and Reda A. Ammar, “Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms for Stochastic Tasks in a Distributed Multiprocessor Environments”, Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences Volume 2, 2005, pp. 1-5
  12. Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Reda Ammar, Reifsnider, Kenneth, Luke Achenie, Ahmed Mohamed, Guan Zhang, Mohamed Ahmed, Efficient Parallel Simulation of Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Models”, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and technology, to appear, May 2005.
  13. Reda Ammar, Amal Abdel-raouf and Tahany Fergany, “Performance Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Object-Oriented Software”, Computing Letters, CoLe, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004.
  14. Debra Smarkusky and Reda Ammar, “A Methodology for Design-Level Performance Modeling”, International Journal on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 246-261, December 2004.
  15. Sarah Tasneem, Reda Ammar and Howard Sholl “Analysis and Calculation of Software Residual Time for Scheduling Applications”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 5, Vol. 3, PP. 1173-1178, November 2004.
  16. Abdel-raouf, A., Fergany, T. , Reda Ammar “Restructuring Of Distributed Object Oriented Software”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 5, Vol. 3, PP. 1179-1184, November 2004.
  17. Doaa El Zanfaly, Ammar, R. and Eldean A.S., “Modeling and Analysis of a Multi-level Caching in Distributed Database Systems”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 5, Vol. 3, PP. 1179-1184, November 2004.
  18. Alaa Amin, Reda Ammar and Ayman Eldouski, “Scheduling Real-time Parallel Structure on Cluster Computing with Possible Processors�, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 5, Vol. 3, PP. 1203-1208, November 2004.
  19. Ahmed Mohamed, Reda Ammar and Lester Lipsky “Efficient Resource Allocation for Parallel and Distributed Systems”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 5, Vol. 3, PP. 1214-1219, November 2004.
  20. Ahmed Mohamed, Lester Lipsky and Reda Ammar, “Modeling Parallel and Distributed Systems with Finite Workloads”, special issue of Performance Evaluation: An International Journal on “Performance Modeling and Evaluation of High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Systems”, 2004.
  21. Reda Ammar, Howard Sholl and Ahmed Mohamed, “Performance Modeling of a Power Management/Control System”, International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences (IJCIS), PP. 18-24, December 2003, Volume 1, Number 1.
  22. H. Elbolok, Reda Ammar, Hesham Keshk and Sameh Ahmed, “An Parallelization Tool”, Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol . 31,No. 4,pp. 923-935, October 2003.
  23. Ali I. El-dousky, Reda Ammar and Hesham Ali, “Optimizing the time cost of multiple groups of parallel branches with communication nodes within parallel structure”, International Journal of computer applications in technology, Vol 17, No 3, page 170-180, 2002.
  24. Jasir Alherbish and Reda Ammar, “High Performance Arabic Character Recognition”, accepted for publication, Journal of Systems and  Software, Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.  (North-Holland), October 1998.
  25. Robert Popp, Krishna Pattipati, Yaakov Bar-Shalom,  and Reda A. Ammar, “Shared Memory Parallelization of the Data Association Problem in Multitarget Tracking”, the IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 8, No. 10,  pp. 993-1005, October 1997.
  26. Bin Qin, Reda Ammar and Howard Sholl, “A Simulation Approach to Evaluate the Time Cost of Parallel Computation”, the Saudi Computer Journal, Vol. 9,  pp. 1-20, Dec. 1997.
  27. Anil Rao and Reda Ammar, “A Simulator Design for Studying Operating Systems Related Issues”, SIMULATION (The Journal of the Society of Computer Simulation”, Vol. 67, No. 6, pp. 387-401, December 1996.
  28. Carolyn Pe Rosinene, Reda A. Ammar, Steve Demurjian, “Object-Oriented Design Techniques for Extensible and Evolvable Software Performance Modeling”, Journal of Information and Systems Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3 & 4, pp. 253-276, December 1996.
  29. Tahany A. Fergany, Howard Sholl, and Reda A. Ammar, “Multiple Server  Support for Distributed Applications”,  International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST), Published by the Foundation for International Development, Vol. 9, 1996.
  30. Reda A. Ammar, “Time Cost Analysis of Parallel Structures with Multi-Communication Nodes in a Shared Memory Environment”, the Saudi Computer Journal, Vol. 8, 1996, pp. 111-138.
  31. Yu-Hur Chou, Cheng Tung, and Reda A. Ammar, ” Guidelines for choosing Natural Order Scheduling Algorithms”, Journal of Systems and Software, Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.  (North-Holland), pp. 245-255, September 1994.
  32. Sharad Garg, Howard Sholl, and Reda Ammar, “Optimizing the Matrix Multiplication Parallel Algorithms on A Distributed-Memory MIMD Multiprocessor”, Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications, Published by Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 291-303, 1994.
  33. Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar, and Cien Xu, “Performance Analysis of Software Designs Influenced by Cache Memory”, International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST), Published by the Foundation for International Development, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 35-46, 1993.
  34. Seva-nanda Adari and Reda A. Ammar, “Axiomatic-like Performance Analysis (ALPA)”, the International Journal on  Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Published by Pergamon Press Ltd, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 59-81, 1993.
  35. Reda A. Ammar and Carolyn Pe, ” Visualizing a Hierarchy of Performance Models for Software Systems”, Software Practice and Experience, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Vol. 23, No. 3,  pp. 293-315, March 1993.
  36. T. Hindam, N. Darwish, and Reda Ammar, “Time Cost of a Parallel Structure with Muti-Communication Nodes in Conflict”, Egyptian Computer Journal, Published by the Institute of  Statistical Studies and Research, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 209-223, 1993.
  37. Bin Qin and Reda A. Ammar “An Analytic Approach to Derive the Time Costs of Parallel Computations”, the International Journal on Computer Systems: Science & Engineering, Published by CRL Publishing Ltd, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 90-100, April 1993.
  38. Reda A. Ammar and Mathew J. Krzych, “Computer Aided performance Engineering: A Survey”, Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering, Published by CRL Publishing Ltd, Vol. 7, No. 3,  pp. 170-189, July 1992.
  39. Bin Qin, Reda A. Ammar, and Howard A. Sholl, “An Analytic Approach to Derive Time Costs of Data Flow Programs”, The International Journal on Software and Computer Engineering, Published by ABLEX Publishing Corporation, Vol. 1, No. 2,  pp. 95-122, May 1992.
  40. Reda A. Ammar “An Experimental-Analytic Approach to Derive Software Performance”  the Journal of Information and Software Technology, Published by Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd,  Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 229-238, April 1992.
  41. Reda A. Ammar and Bin Qin, “A Technique to Derive Time Cost of Parallel Computations in a Bus-based Shared Memory Environment” the International Journal of Science and Technology, Published by the Foundation for International Development, 1991.
  42. Bin Qin, Howard Sholl, and Reda A. Ammar, “Allocating Processing Power to Minimize the Time Cost”,  International Journal on Computer Systems: Science and Engineering, Published by Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 159-169, June 1991.
  43. Reda A. Ammar, “A Computer Aided Design System to Develop High Performance Software”, Journal of Systems and Software, Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. (North-Holland), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 139-147, May 1991
  44. Bin Qin, Howard Sholl, and Reda A. Ammar, “Micro Time Cost Analysis of Parallel Computations”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,  Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 613-628, May 1991.
  45. Reda A. Ammar, Carolyn Pe and Bin Qin, “Modeling and Analysis of Occam Programs”, International Journal of Modeling & Simulation, Published by ACTA Press, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 67-75, May 1991.
  46. Reda A. Ammar, J. Wang, and Howard Sholl, “Graphic Modeling Technique for Software Execution Time Estimation”, The Journal of Information and Software Technology, Published by Butterworth-Heinemnn Ltd, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 151-156, March 1991.
  47. Bin Qin, Reda A. Ammar and Howard Sholl, “Modeling and Simulating Time Cost Behavior of Data Flow Programs”, International Journal of  Mini and Microcomputers, Published by ACTA Press, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 12-20, 1991.
  48. Reda A. Ammar and  Bin Qin, “Design of High Performance Software Applications”, International Journal of Science and Technology, Published by the Foundation for International Development, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 21-30, Fall 1990.
  49. Reda A. Ammar, “Algorithmic Approach to Construct Probabilistic Grammatical Models of Command Streams in Interactive Software Systems” Journal of Computer Systems: Science and Engineering, Published by Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 195-201, October 1990.
  50. Bin Qin and Reda A. Ammar, “Formal Proof of Preferring Parallel Processing to Sequential Processing” the Mico-computer  Applications, Published by ACTA Press, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 80-85, 1990.
  51. Bin Qin and Reda A. Ammar, “A Mathematical Model to Estimate Average Response Time of  Parallel Programs”, The international Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Published by Pergamon Press, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 1-14, 1990.
  52. Reda A. Ammar and Bin Qin, “An Approach to Derive Time Costs for Sequential Computations,  Journal of Systems  and Software, Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. (North-Holland), Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 173-180, March 1990
  53. Bin Qin, Howard Sholl, and Reda A. Ammar, “A Tool to Minimize the Time Costs of Parallel Computations through Optimal Processing Power Allocation”, Software Practice and Experience, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Vol. 20, No. 3,  pp. 283-300, March 1990.
  54. Bin Qin, Howard A. Sholl and Reda A. Ammar, “Modeling and Analyzing Time Costs of Dynamic Data Flow Programs”, the International Journal on Mini. and Micro-Computers, Published by ACTA Press, Vol. 11, No. 3,  pp. 90-94, 1989.
  55. Bin Qin, Howard A. Sholl and Reda A. Ammar, “A Model to Predict the Average Response Time of User Programs”,  Journal of Performance Evaluation, Published by North-Holland, Vol. 10,  No. 2, pp. 93-101, November 1989.
  56. Reda A. Ammar, “Design of a Parallel Machine Model” Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Published by Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 606-618, 1989.
  57. Reda A. Ammar, “Parallel Bubble Tree Sorting Algorithms for a Tree of processors”, International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers, Published by ACTA Press, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 18-22, 1989.
  58. Reda A. Ammar, “Stack Based Sorting Algorithms”,  The Journal of Systems and Software, Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. (North-Holland),  Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 225-239, March 1989.
  59. Bin Qin, Howard Sholl and Reda A. Ammar, “RTS: a System to Simulate the Real Time Cost Behavior of Parallel Computations”, Software Practice and Experience, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Vol. 18, No. 10., pp. 967-985, 1988.
  60. Reda A. Ammar and T.L. Booth, “Software Optimization Using User Models”, the IEEE trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics,  Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 552-560, July-August 1988.
  61. Reda A. Ammar, “An Engineering Design of Computer Software” Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Published by Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 17-33, 1987.
  62. T.L. Booth, Reda A. Ammar, and R. Lenk, “An Instrumentation System to Measure User Performance in Interactive Systems”, The Journal of Systems and Software, Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. (North-Holland),  Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 139-146, June 1981.

Conference Proceedings 

    1. Noha S. Nabawi, Mohamed F. Ahmed, Ahmed Atwan and Reda A. Ammar, Heuristics for Distributed Systems Clustering and Mapping under Network Restrictions” the 21st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 24-26 Sept. 2009, Louisville, Kentucky
    2. Amr Mahmoud, Reda Ammar, Medhat Hussien and Mohamed I. Eladawy, Parallel ICA Using SCILAB and PVM” the 22nd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 24-26 Sept. 2009, Louisville, Kentucky.
    3. Mohamed Ahmed (University of Connecticut, USA); Reda Ammar (University of Connecticut, USA); Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, “ Novel Micro-Threading Techniques on the Cell Broadband Engine”, “The 14th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, July 5-8, 2009, Sousse, Tunis.
    4. Saleh Ibrahim; Reda Ammar; Jun-Hong Cui, “Geometry-Guided Gateway Deployment Optimization in Underwater Sensor Networks “, The 14th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, July 5-8, 2009, Sousse, Tunis.
    5. Sarah Tasneem and Reda Ammar, “Performance Enhancement of Web Server System” ISCA 24th  International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA-2009), PP. 1-6, April 8-10, 2009, New Orleans,  USA.
    6. Amr Elsayed, Reda Ammar,  “A Performance Study of Instantaneous Blind Audio Source Separation Algorithms”, ISCA 24th  International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA-2009), April 8-10, 2009, New Orleans,  USA.
    7. Sahar Elsisi, S. Rajasekaran and Reda Ammar “RNA pseudoknot folding through inference and identification using TAGRNA” the First International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB) April 8-10, 2009, New Orleans,  USA.
    8. R. Kilany, R. Ammar, S. Rajasekaran and W. Sheta, “A New Framework for High Performance Processing of Voluminous Multisource Datasets” the International Business Information Management Conference (11th IBIMA) on 4 – 6 January 2009, Cairo, Egypt
    9. Amal Khalifa, Reda Ammar, Tahany Fegrany and Mohammed F. Tolba, “Dynamic On-line Allocation of Independent Task onto Heterogeneous Computing Systems to Maximize Load Balancing”, IEEE-International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Dec 16-19, 2008, Sarajevo, Bosnia.
    10. Safwat H. Hamad, Reda Ammar, Mohammed E. Khalifa, and Tahany Fegrany “Randomized Algorithms for Mapping Clustered Object Oriented Software onto Distributed Architectures”, IEEE-International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Dec 16-19, 2008, Sarajevo, Bosnia.
    11. Ahmed, M. F., Ammar, R. A., and Rajasekaran, S. 2008. SPENK: adding another level of parallelism on the cell broadband engine. In Proceedings of the 1st international Forum on Next-Generation Multicore/Manycore Technologies (Cairo, Egypt, November 24 – 25, 2008). IFMT ’08. ACM, New York, NY, 1-10.
    12. Reda A. Ammar, Mohamed E. Khalifa and ElSayed Soleit “A Randomized Algorithm for Physical Mapping of Distributed Object-Oriented Software onto Multiprocessor Architectures” ” the 21st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 123-128, 24-26 Sept. 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana.
    13. Sarah Tasneem and Reda Ammar “An Analytical Approach to Study the Web Server Performance” the 21st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 159-164, 24-26 Sept. 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana.
    14. Safwat Hamad, Tahany Fergany, Reda Ammar, Amal Abdel-Raouf A Double K-Clustering Approach for Restructuring Distributed Object-Oriented Software The 13th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, July 5-9, 2008, Marrakesh, Morocco.
    15. Sanguthevar Rajasekaran and Reda Ammar Efficient Sorting Algorithms for the Cell Broadband Engine “The 13thIEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, July 5-9, 2008, Marrakesh, Morocco.
    16. S. Ibrahim, R. Ammar, I. Greenshields, and H. Sholl “Architecture-specific Implementation of Haar-based MAD Denoising” Proceedings of the ISC 23rd Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 102-107, Cancun, Mexico April 9-11, 2008
    17. S. Ibrahim, R. Ammar, I. Greenshields, and H. Sholl “Time/Performance Tradeoffs in Hard Real-Time Denoising of US Signals” Proceedings of the ISC 23rd Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 113-118, Cancun, Mexico April 9-11, 2008.
    18. Rehab A. El Kharboutly, Reda Ammar and Swapna S. Gokhale“Architecture-Based Performance and Reliability Analysis of Concurrent Applications with Hyper-exponential Component Execution Times”, Proceedings of the ISC 23rd Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 148-154, Cancun, Mexico April 9-11, 2008.
    19. S. H. Hamad, R. A. Ammar, M. E. Khalifa, A. El-Dessouky, A Multistep Approach for Restructuring and Mapping Distributed Object-Oriented Software onto a Multiprocessor System proceeding of the sixth international conference in informatic and systems, 27-29 March, 2008  Cairo Egypt, Pages(PAR19-PAR23)
    20. A. S. Khalifa, R. A. Ammar, T. A. Fegrany, M. F. Tolba, Two Migratory Algorithms for Mapping Meta-Tasks to a Mixed-Machine HC Environment proceeding of the sixth international conference in informatic and systems, 27-29 March, 2008  Cairo Egypt, Pages(PAR66-PAR73)
    21. Reda Ammar, Safwat Hamad, Tahany Fergany, Sayed Solit, “Mapping Distributed Object-Oriented Software to Architecture with Limited Number of Processors”, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Cairo, Egypt, PP. 531-536, December 2007
    22. Reda Ammar, Amal Khalifa, Tahany Fergany, Mohamed Khalifa, “A Preemptive Min-Min Heuristic for Dynamically Mapping Meta-tasks on a Distributed Heterogeneous Environment, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Cairo, Egypt, PP. 537-542, December 2007
    23. Amal Khalifa, Reda Ammar, Tahany Fergany, and Mohammed Tolba, “Dynamic Mapping And Deployment Of Independent Tasks On Distributed Systems Using Residual Execution Time”, the 20th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 24-26 Sept. 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada.
    24. Saleh Ibrahim, Jun-Hong Cui and Reda Ammar, “Surface-Level Gateway Deployment for Underwater Surface Networks”, MILCOM 2007 (Military Communications 2007), October 29-31, Orlando, Florida.
    25. Safwat Hamad, Reda Ammar, Amal Raouf, and Mohammed Khalifa “A Performance-driven Clustering Approach To Minimize Coupling In A DOO System”, the 20th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 24-26 Sept. 2007,  Las Vegas, Nevada.
    26. Ehab Abdel Maksoud and Reda Ammar, �A Performance-Effective Task Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessor Computing Systems” the 20th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 24-26 Sept. 2007,  Las Vegas, Nevada.
    27. Karim Sobh, Ahmed Sameh and Reda Ammar, “Performance-Based Multi-channel Clustered Web Application Servers” the 20th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 24-26 Sept. 2007,  Las Vegas, Nevada.
    28. Reda Ammar, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Ahmed Hussein and Abeer Hamdy “Efficient Scheduling of Real-time Tandem Task Graphs on Heterogeneous Clusters with Network Limitations”, The 12th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, July 1-4, 2007 Aveiro, Portugal.
    29. Rehab A. El Kharboutly, Reda Ammar, and Swapna S. Gokhale, “Architecture Based Reliability Analysis of Concurrent Software Applications” The 22nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 89-94, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 28-30, 2007.
    30. Mohd. Osama Saeed Kahn,  Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar and Ian Greenshields,” Application of Wavelet Denoising Techniques to Ultrasonic Railroad Track Inspection” The 22nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 183-1988, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 28-30, 2007.
    31. Sahar El-Sisi, S. Rajasekaran and Reda Ammar, “Learning a Subclass of Tree Adjoining Grammars”,  First Southern African Bioinformatics Workshop, PP. 53-56, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, January 28-30, 2007
    32. Abeer Hamdy, Reda Ammar, Ahmed Hussein, “efficient Workload Allocation to schedule Fork-Join Real-Time Task Graphs on Cluster Computing Platforms”, ICENCO’2006 2nd International Computer Engineering Conference PP. 1-8, Cairo, EGYPT December 26-28, 2006.
    33. Ehab Abdel Maksoud and Reda A. Ammar, “Reliable Scheduling of Stochastic Tasks in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems” 19th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, PP. 128-133, 20-22 Sept. 2006,  San Francisco, California.
    34. Ahmed Hussein, Reda Ammar and Abeer Hamdy, Efficient Workload Allocation to Schedule Tandem Real Time Task Graphs in a Cluster Computing Environment” 19th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, PP. 134-139, 20-22 Sept. 2006,  San Francisco, California.
    35. Reda Ammar, Ahmed Hussein and Abeer Hamdy, Efficient Execution of Real Time Tasks” Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), PP 612-617, Vancouver, Canada, August 27-30, 2006.
    36. Hanan Elazhary, Swapna Gokhale, and Reda Ammar, “An Efficient Path Pre-computation Technique for QoS Routing” Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), PP 714-719, Vancouver, Canada, August 27-30, 2006.
    37. Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar, Ian Greenshields and D. Pagano, “Application of Computing Analysis to Real-Time Rail Road Track Inspection”, WAC2006, July 24-27, Budapest, Hungary
    38. Hala Elsadek, Hesham Eldeeb, Amal Raouf and Reda Ammar “Time performance evaluation for 3D microwave holographic systems”, 3rd international conference on cybernetics and information technologies, CITSA 2006, July 2006, Orlando, Florida
    39. Abeer Hamdy, Ahmed Hussein and Reda Ammar, “An efficient Workload Allocation to Improve Scheduling Real-Time Tasks”, 11th IEEE International Conference on Computers and Communications, Sardinia, June 26-29, 2006.
    40. Rehab El Kharboutly, Reda Ammar, Swapna Gokhale, “Effect of Architecture and Component Parameters on Application Performance and Reliability” The 21th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, Seattle, Washington, March 23-25, 2006.
    41. S. Demurjian, S. Rajasekaran, R. Ammar. I. Greenshields, T. Doan, and L. He, “Applying LSI and Data Reduction to XML for Counter Terrorism,” Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conf., CD-Rom Proceedings, Big Sky, MT, Mar. 2006.
    42. Rehab El Kharboutly, S. Gokhale and R. Ammar, “Architecture-Based Performance and Reliability Analysis of a Concurrent Software Application,” in Proc. of Intl.  Conference on Reliability and Safety Engineering, Bhubaneshwar, India, December 2005.
    43. Ehab Abd El-Maksoud and R. A. Ammar, “Scheduling Stochastic Tasks with Parallelizable Contents in Multiprocessor Systems” , Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Athens, Greece, December 18-21, 2005.
    44. Ahmed Hussein, Reda Ammar and Abeer Hamdy “Efficient Processing Power Utilization to Execute Real-Time Tasks” Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Athens, Greece, December 18-21, 2005.
    45. Sarah Tasneem, Howard Sholl and Reda Ammar, “Practical Methods for Deadline Scheduling using Process Residual Time”, The ISCA 18th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2005) to be held Honolulu, Hawaii, USA November 9-11, 2005.
    46. Amal A. Abdel-Raouf, R. Ammar and H. Sholl, ” Application of Object Oriented Performance Model To Aspects of a Health Care Management System,”  The ISCA 18th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2005) to be held Honolulu, Hawaii, USA November 9-11, 2005.
    47. Kannikar Siriwong, Lester Lipsky and Reda Ammar, “Multiple Hop Jitter Controlled Quality of Service with Measurement Based Admission Control”, 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, PP. 135-140, 12-14 Sept. 2005,  Las Vegas, Nevada
    48. Sarah Tasneem, Lester Lipsky, Reda Ammar and Howard Sholl, “Using Residual Times to Meet Deadlines in M/G/C Queues”, Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2005), 27-29 July 2005, Cambridge, Massachusetts
    49. Alaa Amin, Reda Ammar, and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran “Maximizing Reliability while Scheduling Real-time Task-graphs on a Cluster of Computers”, Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computers and Communications, pp. 1001-1006, Cartagena, Spain, June 27-30, 2005.
    50. Hanan Elazhary, Swapna Gokhale, and Reda Ammar, “An Efficient QoS Distribution Monitoring Scheme” Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computers and Communications, pp. 813-818, Cartagena, Spain, June 27-30, 2005.
    51. Alaa Amin, Reda Ammar, Swapna Gokhale, “Minimizing the Effect of Processing Power Fragmentation While Scheduling Real-time Task Graphs  on a Cluster of Computers”, The 20th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 44-49, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 16-18, 2005.
    52. Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar, Ian Greenshields “Computer-Based, Real-Time, Ultrasonic Railroad Track Flaw Inspection” The 20th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 339-343, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 16-18, 2005.
    53. S. Rajasekaran, R. Ammar, S. Demurjian, A. Abdel-Raouf, T. Doan, J. Lian, M. Song, and A. Mohamed, “Strategies for Process High Volumes of Data in Support of Counter-Terrorism,”
    54. 50.Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference, CD Proceedings, 10 pages, Montana  March 5-12, 2005.
    55. Reda Ammar, Amal Abdel-raouf and Tahany Fergany, “Performance Modeling and Analysis of Object Oriented Distributed Software Systems: A Necessary Step Toward Software Performance
    56. Stability”, IEEE-International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (Workshop, “Software Stability: Timeless Architectures and Systems of Patterns”), January 3-6, 2005, Cairo, Egypt.
    57. Abdel-raouf, A.,  Fergany, T. , Reda Ammar, “Restructuring of Object Oriented Distributed Software on a Pipeline Architecture”, the International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, E-Business and Applications, December 27-29,2004,  Cairo, Egypt.
    58. Thuong Doan, Steven Demurjian, Reda Ammar, T.C. Ting, “UML Design with Security Integration as First Class Citizen”, the International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, E-Business and Applications, December 27-29, 2004, Cairo, Egypt
    59. Alaa Amin, Reda Ammar and S. Rajasekaran,  “A Randomized Algorithm to Schedule Real-Time Task Graphs to Satisfy a Multi-criteria Objective Function” Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Rome, Italy, December 18-21, 2004.
    60. Abdel-raouf, A.,  Fergany, T. , Reda Ammar, “Modeling Object Oriented Distributed Software on a Pipeline Architecture”, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Rome, Italy, December 18-21, 2004.
    61. S. Rajasekaran, R. Ammar, B. Cheriyan, and L. Loew , “Parallel Techniques for the Virtual Cell” Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Rome, Italy, December 18-21, 2004.
    62. Ahmed Mohamed, Lester Lipsky and Reda Ammar, “Analytical Performance Analysis for Parallel and Distributed Systems with Non-Exponential Service Centers”, the ISCA 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-2004), September 15-17, 2004,  San Francisco, California, USA.
    63. Kannikar Siriwong, Carolyn Pe Rosiene and Reda Ammar, “Jitter Controlled Quality of Service with Measurement Based Admission Control”, the ISCA 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-2004), September 15-17, 2004, San Francisco, California, USA.
    64. Alaa Amin, Reda Ammar and Ayman Eldouski, “Scheduling Real-time Parallel Structure on Cluster Computing with Possible Processors� the 9th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, Alexandria, Egypt, June  28th- July 1st, 2004.
    65. Sarah Tasneem, Reda Ammar and Howard Sholl, “A Methdology to Compute Task Remaining Execution Time” the 9th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, Alexandria, Egypt, June  28th- July 1st, 2004.
    66. Doaa El Zanfaly, Ammar, R. and D. S. and Eldean A.S., “Modeling and Analysis of a Multi-level Caching in Distributed Database Systems” the 9th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, Alexandria, Egypt, June  28th- July 1st, 2004.
    67. Ahmed Mohamed, Lester Lipsky and Reda Ammar, “Modeling Parallel and Distributed Systems with Finite Workloads”, the 9th IEEE workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Network-Centric Systems (FTPDS04) in conjunction with the 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS04), Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 26-30, 2004.
    68. Sarah Tasneem, Reda Ammar and Howard Sholl “Analysis and Calculation of Software Residual Time for Scheduling Applications”, 4th WSEAS International Conference on INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS (WSEAS International Conference ISA ’04), PP 1173-1178, Miami, Florida April 21-23, 2004.
    69. Abdel-raouf, A., Fergany, T. , Reda Ammar “Restructuring Of Distributed Object Oriented Software”, 4th WSEAS International Conference on INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS (WSEAS International Conference ISA ’04) , PP 1179-1184, Miami, Florida April 21-23, 2004.
    70. Ahmed Mohamed, Reda Ammar and Lester Lipsky “Efficient Resource Allocation for Parallel and Distributed Systems”, 4th WSEAS International Conference on INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS (WSEAS International Conference ISA ’04),PP 1214 -1219, Miami, Florida April 21-23, 2004.
    71. S. Rajasekaran, Reda Ammar, Ken, Luke, Ahmed Mohamed, G. Zhang and Mohamed Ahmed, “Efficient parallel simulation of direct Methanol fuel cell models The 19th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 75-78, Seattle, Washington, March 18-20, 2004.
    72. Abdel-raouf, A.,  Fergany, T. , Reda Ammar “Restructuring Of Distributed Object Oriented Software”, 4th WSEAS International Conference on INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS (WSEAS International Conference ISA ’04) , PP 1179-1184, Miami, Florida April 21-23, 2004.
    73. Ahmed Mohamed, Reda Ammar and Lester Lipsky “Efficient Resource Allocation for Parallel and Distributed Systems”, 4th WSEAS International Conference on INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS (WSEAS International Conference ISA ’04),PP 1214 -1219, Miami, Florida April 21-23, 2004.
    74. S. Rajasekaran, Reda Ammar, Ken, Luke, Ahmed Mohamed, G. Zhang and Mohamed Ahmed, “Efficient parallel simulation of direct Methanol fuel cell models The 19th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 75-78, Seattle, Washington, March 18-20, 2004.
    75. Abdel-raouf, A.,  Reda Ammar, H. Sholl,  and S. Nasar, “Real Time Fabric Fault Detection”, The 19th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP. 105-109, Seattle, Washington, March 18-20, 2004.
    76. R. Ammar, A. Alhamdan and A. El-Dessouky, “A Real-Time Self-adjusting Scheduling Algorithm For Tandem Precedence Structure in Cluster Computing”, The 46th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, December, 2003.
    77. Doaa El Zanfaly, Ammar, R. and D. S. and Eldean, A. S., “Modeling and Analysis of a Multilevel Cashing Database Systems”, The 46th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, December 2003.
    78. Rajasekaran, S. and Ammar, R. and Shin, D. G. and Zhang, G., “Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Processing Biological Sequences”, “Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), PP 487-490, Darmstadt, Germany, December 14-18 2003.
    79. Doaa El Zanfaly, Ammar, R. and D. S. and Eldean, A. S., “Multilevel Cashing to Speedup Query Processing in Distributed Databases”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), PP.580-583, Darmstadt, Germany, December 14-18, 2003.
    80. Abdel-raouf, A.,  Fergany, T. , Reda Ammar and Sholl, H., “Performance Modeling of Distributed Object-oriented Software”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), PP. 769-773, Darmstadt, Germany, December 14-18, 2003.
    81. Ahmed Mohamed, Lester Lipsky and Reda Ammar, “Transient Model for Jackson Networks and its Approximation”, the 7th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS03), PP. 185-194, Martinique, France December 10-13, 2003.
    82. Amal Abdel-raouf, Reda Ammar, Howard Sholl and Tahany A. Fergany, “Performance-Based Modeling for Object-Oriented Software”, The 16th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2003), PP. 203-207, November 11-13, Las Vegas, Nevada.
    83. Ahmed Mohamed, Reda Ammar and Lester Lipsky,” Efficient Data Allocation for a Cluster of Workstations.” ISCA 16th International Confernce on  Parallel and Distributed  Computing Systems  (PDCS-2003), PP. 99-105, Reno, Nevada, August 2003.
    84. Reda Ammar, Magdi Mostafa and Ahmed Mohamed, ” Performability Analysis of Software Systems.” ISCA 16th International Confernce on  Parallel and Distributed  Computing Systems  (PDCS-2003), PP. 262-268, Reno, Nevada, August 2003.
    85. Alaa Amin, Reda A. Ammar and Swapna S. Gokhale, “An Efficient Method to Schedule Tandem of Real-Time Tasks in Cluster Computing with Possible Processor failures”, The Eighth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, PP. 1207-1212, Kemer, Antalya – TURKEY, June 30th- July 3rd, 2003.

Ahmed Mohamed, Lester Lipsky and Reda Ammar,”Performance Model for a Cluster of Workstations.” The Fourth International Conference on Communications in Computing , PP 227-233, Las Vegas (CIC 2003), June 2003.

  1. Sarah Tasneem, Reda Ammar and Howard Sholl  “Analysis of Software Remaining Execution Time”, The 18thInternational Conference on Computers and Their Applications, PP.219-223, Honolulu, Hawaii, March    26-28, 2003.
  2. Ehab Abdel Maksoud,  Reda A. Ammar and Narayan Debnath,  “An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Stochastic Tasks with Deadlines”, , the 2nd  IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, PP. 62-67, December 18-21, 2002, Marrakech, Morocco.
  3. Alaa Amin and Reda Ammar, “Reliable Scheduling of Tandem task Graphs in a Cluster Computing Environment”, the 2nd  IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, pp. 157-162, December 18-21, 2002, Marrakech, Morocco.
  4. Narayan Debnath, Reda Ammar, Eric Thiemann, Roger Lee An Object Oriented Software Engineering Tool: Design and Implementation, the 2nd  IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, PP. 255-260,  December 18-21, 2002, Marrakech, Morocco.
  5. Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar and Ahmed Mohamed, “Performance Modeling of Power Management/Control System”, International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, pp. 261-265, November 7-9, 2002, San Diego, California.
  6. R. Ammar and Salwa Nassar, “Performance Analysis of Textile Fault Detection System” 15th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, pp. 266-269, November 7-9, 2002, San Diego, California.
  7. Ehab Abdel Maksoud and Reda A. Ammar, “A Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm for Stochastic Tasks in Distributed Multiprocessor Systems” the 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 277-282, Louisville, Kentucky, September 19-21, 2002.
  8. R. Ammar, A. Alhamdan and A. El-Dessouky, Scheduling Real-Time Conditional and Loop Structures on Cluster Computing”, the 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 431-436, Louisville, Kentucky, September 19-21, 2002.
  9. R. Ammar, A. Alhamdan  “Scheduling Real-Time Parallel Structures on Cluster Computing”, The Seventh IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, pp. 69-74, Taormina -Giardini Naxos, Italy, July 1-4, 2002.
  10. Sarah Tasneem, Reda Ammar, Howard Sholl and James V Petrizzi, “Performance Modeling of Windows 2000 Priority-driven Preemptive Thread Scheduling”, The 17th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, San Francisco, California, pp. 73-77, April 4-6, 2002.
  11. Amal A. Abdel-Raouf, Ian Greenshields, Howard Sholl and Reda Ammar, “Real-time Fixed-point Denoising of Ultrasound Data”, The 17th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, San Francisco, California, pp. 245-247, April 4-6, 2002.
  12. H. Arafat Ali, Tahany A. Fergany and Reda Ammar, “Modeling Optimizing Compiler Effects and Processes Communication in Evaluating Software Power Consumption”, The 17th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, San Francisco, California, pp. 511-516, April 4-6, 2002.
  13. R. Ammar, A. Alhamdan and A. El-Dessouky, “Real-Time scheduling of tandem tasks preceding graphs on grid computing”, The IEEE Symposium on Signal Processing and Information technology, Cairo, Egypt, December 28-30, 2002.
  14. M. M. McMahon, H. A. Sholl and Reda A. Ammar, “Proposed Structure of a Network Security System Using Dynamic Authentication”, the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, P.P. 183-189, August 8-10, 2001, Richardson, Texas.
  15. Mi-Sook Kim, Reda A. Ammar and Howard Sholl, “Scheduling Parallel Processes in Fork-Join Structures with a Limited Number of Processors”, the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, P.P. 183-189, August 8-10, 2001, Richardson, Texas.
  16. D. Smarkusky, R. Ammar and H. Sholl,  “A Framework for Designing Performance-Oriented Distributed Systems”, The Sixth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, P.P. 92-98, July 3-5, 2001, Hammamet, Tunis.
  17. Kannikar Siriwong and Reda Ammar, “QoS Using Delay-Synchronized Dynamic Priority Scheduling”, The Sixth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, P.P. 276-281, July 3-5, 2001, Hammamet, Tunis.
  18. Ian Greenshields, Reda Ammar and Roychaudhuri “Physical Layer Encryption over DWDM” Proc. 10’th Annual Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Storrs, CT April, 2001 pp. 014-1 — 014-2.
  19. H. Arafat Ali, Reda Ammar and  Tahany A. Fergany, “Evaluating Software’s Power Consumption” 16th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, March 28-30, 2001,Seattle, Washington.
  20. Ehab Abdel Maksoud , Tahany Fergany and Reda Ammar, “Efficient Complexity Reduction Approaches for Hierarchical Performance Models”, 16th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, March 28-30, 2001,Seattle, Washington.
  21. D. Smarkusky, R. Ammar and H. Sholl, “A Methodology for Performance Modeling of Object-Oriented Systems”, the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, August 8-10, 2000,  pp. 1-6,  Las Vegas, Nevada.
  22. Reda A. Ammar, Mohamed Hefeeda, H. Sholl, D. Smakusky, and B. McKay, “Two Moment Analysis of Computation’s Performance”, the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 367-373, August 8-10, 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  23. D. Smarkusky, R. Ammar, I. Antonios and H. Sholl, “Hierarchical Performance Modeling for Distributed System Architectures”, the Fifth International Symposium on Computers and Communications, July 3-6, 2000, pp. 659-646, Antibes, France.
  24. Ehab Y. Abdel Maksoud  and Reda A. Ammar, “Partitioning Communication Processes for Efficient Execution of the Fork-Join Structures”, 15th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, pp. 219-222, March 29-31, 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  25. Raafat S. Elfouly, Reda A. Ammar, and Howard A. Sholl , “Prediction of Inner and Outer Diameter Flaws Using Ultrasonic Pipe Inspection System” “, 15th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications,pp. 368-372, March 29-31, 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  26. Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar and Dominic A. Pagano “Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation for the Rail Industry.” ASNT Spring Conference and ninth annual symposium, pp. 27-31, March 27-31, 2000,  Birmingham,  Alabama.
  27. Raafat Elfouly, Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar, and Dominic Pagano, “A New Approach of Ultrasonic Beam Edge Tracking and Strip Generation for Ultrasonic Inspection Systems”, The 12th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-99), pp. 133-137, Atlanta, Georgia, November 4-6, 1999.
  28. Reda Ammar, John Jones, and Mohy El Din Mahmoud, “Improved Distribution Techniques Applied to Colored Two-dimensional Bar-code”, The 12th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-99), pp. 46-50,  Atlanta, Georgia, November 4-6, 1999.
  29. Mi-Sook Kim, Reda Ammar, and Howard Sholl, “Scheduling Communication Nodes of Parallel Processes in Fork-Join Structure When Each Process has Multiple Requests to Access Shared Variables”, The 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 298-303, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, August 17-20, 1999.
  30. Xi Chen, Howard Sholl, and Reda Ammar, “Task Partitioning of Real-time Distributed Processing Systems with Heterogeneous Processor Types”, The 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 134-139, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, August 17-20, 1999.
  31. Qi Gan, Reda Ammar, and Mahmoud Abdallah, “A New I/O Interface Architecture for High-Speed Data Communication”, the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’99), pp. 216-225, Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt, July 4-8, 1999.
  32. Carolyn Pe Rosiene and Reda A. Ammar, “Software Architecture for the Analysis of Module Level Computations” The 11th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, November 11-13, 1998.
  33. Mi-Sook Kim and Reda A. Ammar, “A Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm to Order Parallel Processes Competing for the Critical Section in Shared Memory Environment” The 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, Chicago, Illinois, September 1998.
  34. Mi-Sook Kim and Reda A. Ammar, “Using Preemptive Access to the Critical Section in Shared Memory Environment to Minimize the Execution Time of the Fork-Join Structure”, the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’98), Athens, Greece, June 30 – July 2, 1998.
  35. C.N Vora,Reda Ammar, Howard Sholl, and Jon Rifkin, “Predicting the Performance of Parallel Programs Using PVM”, the 13th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, pp. 307-310, March 25-27, 1998.
  36. Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar and Jack Roulier, “A Distributed, Real-Time Computer System Approach for High Speed Ultrasonic Inspection of Tubular Products”, The International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, San Antonio, pp. 136-139, December 10-12, 1997.
  37. Q. Gan, Reda Ammar and Mahmoud Abdalla,”A Hierarchical I/O Memory System for High Speed Data Communication” The 10th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 9-15, October 1-3, 1997.
  38. N. Kandaasamy and Reda Ammar,  “A Communication Framework for High Performance Computing”, The 10th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 489-495, October 1-3, 1997.
  39. Jasir Alherbish, Reda Ammar, and Mahmoud Abdalla,”Arabic Character Recognition in a Multi-processing Environment”, the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’97),  pp. 286-292, Alexandria, Egypt, July 1-3, 1997.
  40. Reda Ammar and Robert Todd,”A Design Methodology Guided by Performance-Based Quality Measures  to Develop Efficient Parallel Structures”,  the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’97), pp. 601-609, Alexandria, Egypt, July 1-3, 1997.
  41. Mahmoud Abdalla, Jasir Alherbish and Reda Ammar,”Arabic Character Recognition Using Image Density Approach Via Error Correcting Neural Network”,  The International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Boston, Mass.,  pp. 49-52, June 11-13, 1997.
  42. Mohy Mahmoud and Reda Ammar, “Improved Error Correction and Compression Techniques Applied to Colored Two Dimensional Bar-Code”, International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, Tempe, Arizona, pp. 190-195, March 1997.
  43. Jasir Alherbish and Reda Ammar,” Multi-Size Arabic Character Recognition with Learning Ability”, International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, Tempe, Arizona,  pp. 175-181, March 1997.
  44. Reda A. Ammar and Hesham Arafa, “Optimal Scheduling Policy for Ordering Parallel Branches with Two Communication Nodes”, International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (ICCTA’96 CSS), pp 267-273, September 3-4, 1996, Alexandria, Egypt.
  45. Tahany Fergany, Ehab Abdel Maksoud, and Reda Ammar,”Modeling Parallel Structures with Stochastic Operators”,  The Ninth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems, DiJon, France, pp 232-237, September 1996.
  46. Reda Ammar, Tahany Fergany, Mohamed Hefeeda, and Ali Eldosouky, “Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms to Access the Critical Section in Shared Memory Environment”, The Ninth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems, DiJon, France, pp 244-247, September 1996.
  47. Brian MacKay, Howard Sholl, and Reda Ammar, “An Overview of Hierarchical Modeling for Parallel/Distributed  Software Applications”, The Ninth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems, DiJon, France, pp 276-279, September 1996.
  48. Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar, Alios Buecherl, Sumithasri Eranti, and  Robert Bjornson, “Performance Analysis of C/Linda Primitives on  Shared Memory Systems”, The First International Workshop on High-Level Programming Models and Supportive Environments, Held in conjunction with the 10th International Parallel Processing Symposium, April 16, 1996, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  49. Anil Rao and Reda A. Ammar, “A Simulator Design for Studying Operating Systems Related Issues”, the Second IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits,  and Systems, Amman, Jordan, pp. 608-614, December 18-22, 1995.
  50. S. Wathne, Howard Sholl, and Reda Ammar, “Task Partitioning of Multichannel, Distributed Real-Time Systems”,  the eighth International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, Hawaii, pp. 131-136, November 1995.
  51. Howard Sholl, Sharad Garg, and Reda Ammar, “Pipe Line Scheduling of DO ACROSS Loops on a Message Passing Multiprocessor” The Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems, Orlando, Florida, pp 99-104, September 21-23, 1995.
  52. Ulrich Stern, Howard Sholl, and Reda Ammar, “Analytical Performance Model for Futurebus+ Systems”, The Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems, Orlando, Florida, pp 152-158, September 21-23, 1995.
  53. Jasir Alherbish and Reda Ammar, “A High Performance Arabic Character Recognition System”, The Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems, Orlando, Florida, pp 364-369, September 21-23, 1995.
  54. Anil Rao and Reda Ammar, “A Hybrid Dynamic Load Sharing Algorithm for Improving the Performance of Distributed Systems”, The Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems, Orlando, Florida, pp 404-410, September 21-23, 1995.
  55. Reda A. Ammar, SPADEView: A Visualization Tool for Performance Modeling Information in an Object Oriented Environment, the International Conference on Computers Applications in Engineering and Medicine, Indianapolis, pp 31-35, March 15-17, 1995.
  56. Reda A. Ammar, Tahany A. Fergany, and Ehab Abdel Maksoud, Optimal Scheduling Policies to Access the Critical Section by Parallel Processes Within a Fork-Join Structure, Second International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics (ICEMP – 94) Cairo, Egypt, pp 27-50, December 27, 1994
  57. Robert Todd, Reda A. Ammar, and Howard A. Sholl, Performance-Based Quality Measures for Parallel Structures Design, the Seventh International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems PDCS’94, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp 644-650,  October 7, 1994.
  58. Reda A. Ammar, Mohamed R. Neilforoshan-Daradshti and Tahany Fergany, “Allocating a Very a Limited Number of Processors to Multiple Groups of Parallel Processes Within a Parallel Structure in Shared Memory  Environment”, Journal of Computing and Information, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 716-737, Special Issue: Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Computing and Information, 1994.
  59. Sharad Garg, Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar “Determining Optimum Software Partitioning and Data Allocation on a MIMD System to Minimize the Completion Time”, Journal of Computing and Information, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 902-923, Special Issue: Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Computing and Information, 1994.
  60. Carolyn Pe Rosiene and Reda A. Ammar,  “A Data Modeling Framework for the Data Flow Diagrams”, the International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, Long Beach, California, pp. 140-144,  March 17-19, 1994.
  61. Carolyn Pe Rosiene and Reda A. Ammar,  “A Data Modeling Framework for the  Performance Analysis of Queueing Network Models”,  the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Computer Science Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 102-109, March 8-11, 1994.
  62. Howard Sholl, Reda Ammar, and Mark Havira, “Recognition of Imprecise Patterns in a Noisy Environment”,  the International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry  and Engineering, Hawaii, pp. 178-183, December 15-17, 1993.
  63. Reda A. Ammar, Mohamed R. Neilforoshan-Daradshti and Tahany Fergany, “Efficient execution of Multiple Groups of Parallel Processes within a Parallel Structure with a Limited Number of Processors” the 1993 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems PDCS’93, Kentucky, pp. 297-302, October 14, 1993.
  64. Sharad Garg, Howard Sholl and Reda A. Ammar, “Optimal Data Assignment in a Distributed Environment to Minimize  the Communication Time” the 1993 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems PDCS’93, Kentucky, pp. 204-209, October 14, 1993.
  65. Tahany Fergany, Reda Ammar, and MD.R. Neilforoshan-Daradshti, “Optimizing the Time Cost of the Parallel Structures with a Limited Number of Processors”, ICCI’93, Sudbury, Canada, pp. 272-276, May 26, 1993.
  66. Reda A. Ammar, Howard Sholl and Sanjay Ramamorthy, “Open Look TCAS”, International Conference on Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis, Washington, D.C., pp. 207-211, March 1993.
  67. Carolyn Pe and Reda A. Ammar, “A Data Modeling Framework for the Performance Analysis of Sequential and Parallel Software”, Association of Computing Machinery Computer Science Conference, Indianapolis, February 16-18, 1993.
  68. Tahany A. Fergany, Reda A. Ammar, and M. R. Neilforoshan-Daradshti, “Optimizing the Time Cost of Multiple  Groups of Parallel Processes Within a Parallel Structure” the 26th Hawaii International Conference on Systems and Computers, Hawaii, Vol. 2, pp. 650-659, January 1993.
  69. Reda A. Ammar, Tarek Hindam, and Nevin Darwish, “Time Cost Analysis of a Parallel Structure with Multi-communication Nodes in Each Branch” the 5th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed  Computing and Systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 1-6, October 1992.
  70. Reda A. Ammar, “On Language Construct for Parallel Programming” the 19th Annual Conference of the AMSE, East Lansing, Michigan, October 30-November 1, 1992.
  71. Howard Sholl, Sharad Garg and Reda Ammar, “On the Performance  of Matrix Multiplication Parallel Algorithms”, the Twenty-Third Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 1063-1067, May 1992.
  72. Mohamed R. Neilforoshan-Daradshti, Reda A. Ammar and Tahany  A. Fergany, “Optimizing the Time Cost of Parallel Structures by Scheduling Parallel Processes to Access the Critical Sections” Fourth International Conference on Computing and Information ICCI’92, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 123-127, May 1992.
  73. Mei-Yu and Reda A. Ammar, “Time Cost Analysis of Parallel Structures with Multi-communication Nodes in a Shared Memory Environment”, the Eleventh Annual IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 47-55, April 1-3, 1992.
  74. Ellis, H., Ammar, R., and Demurjian, S., “The Role of Propagation in Database Support for Performance-Modeling  Environments”, the Eleventh Annual IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications,  Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 181-188, April 1-3, 1992.
  75. Rathbone, Howard Sholl, and Reda A. Ammar, “A Graphical Approach to Processing Time Analysis”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis, Orlando, Florida, pp. 134-137, March 1992.
  76. Howard Sholl, Reda A. Ammar, and W. Weiss, “Using Probabilistic Finite State Models to Evaluate Human-Computer Interfaces to CASE Systems”, 1991 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Charlottesville, Virginia, October 13-16, Vol. 2, pp. 1145-1150, 1991.
  77. Reda A. Ammar and Ping Zhang, “A Design and Modeling Methodology for Performance Evaluation in Real-time, Distributed  Software Systems”, 1991 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Charlottesville, Virginia, pp. 707-712, October 13-16, 1991.
  78. Tahany A. Fergany, Howard A. Sholl and Reda A. Ammar, “SRS: A Tool for Software Restructuring in Real-time Distributed Environment” the 4th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Washington, D.C., pp. 188-193,  October 8-11, 1991.
  79. Bin Qin and Reda A. Ammar, “The Effect of the Memory System on the Time Cost Behavior of Parallel Programs”,  the 4th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Washington, D.C., pp. 326-331, October 8-11, 1991.
  80. Reda A. Ammar and Ping Zhang, “A Design and Modeling Environment to Develop Real-time Distributed Software Systems”, Advances in Computing and Information, Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing  and Information, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 559-570, May 27-29, 1991.
  81. Howard A. Sholl, Cien Xu and Reda A. Ammar, “Performance Analysis of Software Designs Influenced by Cache Memory”,  the Twenty-Second Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, pp. 1496-1505, May 2-3, 1991.
  82. Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar, and William Weiss, “Predicting Human-Computer Interface Performance: A Modification to the Power Law of Practice”, the International Symposium Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp. 75-78, March 1991.
  83. Howard A. Sholl, Yuncheng Qian, Reda A. Ammar, “Task Coalescence and Performance Evaluation for Parallel Software Structures on Distributed, Real-time Systems”, Hawaii International Conference on Systems and Computers, Hawaii, Vol. 1, pp. 17-26, January 1991.
  84. Reda A. Ammar and Carolyn Pe, ” A Graphical Interface for Modeling a Hierarchy of Performance Models for Software Systems” the IEEE  International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Los Angeles, California, pp. 646-651, November 1990.
  85. Reda A. Ammar, Sanjay Ramamurthy, and Bin Qin, “Towards Time Cost Analysis of a General Parallel Structure in Shared Memory Environments”, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Systems, New York, New York, pp. 219-223, October 1990.
  86. Reda A. Ammar, “An Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for a Class of Parallel Computations in a Shared Memory Multiprocessor Environment”, the 16th ASME Conference, Detroit, Michigan, October 1990.
  87. Reda A. Ammar and Yu-Hur Chou, “Performance Measurements of  Parallel Numerical Algorithms”, the Twenty-First Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 1063-1067, May 1990.
  88. Reda A. Ammar and Ping Zhang, “Object-Oriented Database Support for Hierarchical Performance Modeling of Real-Time, Distributed Software Systems” 1990 Symposium on Applied Computing, Fayetteville, Arkansas, pp. 282-288, April 1990.
  89. Bin Qin, Reda A. Ammar, and Howard Sholl, “A Technique to Derive Time Costs of Data Flow Programs”, the Ninth Annual IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Scottsdale, Arizona, pp. 155-162, March 1990.
  90. Bin Qin, Howard Sholl, and Reda A. Ammar, “Allocating Processing Power to Minimize the Time Cost”, Hawaii International Conference on Systems and Computers, Hawaii, Vol. 1 pp. 72-81, January 1990.
  91. Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar, and Sharad Garg, “Optimal Task Allocation on the Hypercube”,  the International  Conference on Intelligent Distributed Processing, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, pp. 65-68, December 1989.
  92. Reda A. Ammar, Bruce Stockwell and John Roulier, “Modeling and Analysis of a Parallel Local Curve Interpolation Algorithm” , the International Conference on Intelligent Distributed Processing, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, pp. 90-93, December 1989.
  93. Reda A. Ammar, Howard Sholl, Bin Qin, Lester Lipsky, and Jose Munoz, “An Architecture Assessment Environment for  Massively Parallel Computations”, the 1989 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vol. 2, pp. 600-605, November 1989.
  94. Kokou Yetongnon and Reda A. Ammar, “Performance Analysis Techniques of Distributed Computations: An Application to Buffer Processing in a Distributed Environment”, the 1989 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vol. 2, pp. 618-623, November 1989.
  95. Reda A. Ammar, Mohsen M. Farid and Kokou Yetongnon, “A Spreadsheet Performance Approach to Integrate a Modeling Hierarchy of Software Systems”, the 1989 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vol. 2, pp. 847-852, November 1989.
  96. Reda A. Ammar, Hermes Law, Howard Sholl and  Bin Qin, “A Computation-Oriented Program Experimentation System (COPES)”,  the 1989 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vol. 2, pp. 861-866, November 1989.
  97. Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar and William S. Weiss, “Using HyperCard to Rapidly Prototype Human-Computer Interfaces to CASE Systems”, the 1989 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Cambridge,  Massachusetts, Vol. 3, pp. 1266-1267, November 1989.
  98. Reda A. Ammar and  Bin Qin, “Design of High Performance Software  Applications”, the 15th Annual Conference of the AMSE, SUNY College at Brockport, New York,  pp. 142-162, October 1989.
  99. Bin Qin and Reda A. Ammar, “A Model to Estimate Average Response Time of Parallel Programs”, The Thirteenth Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference, COMPSAC 89, Orlando, Florida, pp. 67-74, September 1989.
  100. Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar and William S. Weiss, “A Modeling Technique for Evaluating Human-Computer Interfaces”,  the HCI International Conference, Boston, pp. 98, September 1989.
  101. Bin Qin, Howard Sholl, and Reda A. Ammar, “Time Cost Analysis of Data Flow Programs with Nested Loops”, International Conference on Computing and Information ICCI’89, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 163-167, May 1989.
  102. Reda A. Ammar and Ping Zhang, “A Graphic Editor for Performance Modeling and Analysis”, The Twentieth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation”, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 891-896, May 1989.
  103. Bin Qin, Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar “Simulating the Time Cost Behavior of Data Flow Programs”,  The Twentieth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation”, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 897-904, May 1989.
  104. Kokou Yetongnon and Reda A. Ammar “Performance Models and Analysis Techniques of Distributed Software Systems”, The Twentieth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation”, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 905-910, May 1989.
  105. Howard A. Sholl, Sharad Garg and Reda A. Ammar “Performance Evaluation of Distributed Software on the Hypercube”,  The Twentieth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation”, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 911-916, May 1989.
  106. J. Wang, Reda A. Ammar, Howard Sholl, B. Lovell, “Software Performance Analysis Using a Graphic Modeling Technique” the Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Litchfield Park, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 332-336, March 1989.
  107. Reda A. Ammar, Carolyn Pe and Bin Qin, “Modeling and Analysis of  Occam Programs”, International Conference on Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis, Reno, Nevada, pp. 64-67, February 1989.
  108. Bin Qin, Howard A. Sholl and Reda A. Ammar, “DFAS: A Tool  to Analyze the Time Costs of Data Flow Programs”,  International Conference on Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis, Reno, Nevada, pp. 88-91, February 1989.
  109. Reda A. Ammar and Bin Qin, “Time Cost Analysis of Parallel Computations in a Shared Memory Environment”, International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers, From Micros to Supercomputers, Miami Beach, Florida, pp. 195-198, December 1988.
  110. Howard Sholl, Reda A. Ammar, and Bin Qin, “TCAS: A Time Cost Analysis System for Parallel Computations”,  International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers, From Micros to Supercomputers, Miami Beach, Florida, pp. 217-220,  December 1988.
  111. Reda A. Ammar, “Parallel Bubble Sorting Algorithms for a Tree of  Processors”, International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers, From Micros to Supercomputers, Miami Beach, Florida, pp. 221-224,  December 1988.
  112. Reda A. Ammar and Bin Qin, “A Technique to Derive Time Costs of  Parallel Computations”, COMPSAC88, The IEEE Computer Society’s Twelfth International Computer Software & Applications Conference, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 113-119, October 1988.
  113. Reda A. Ammar and Paul Simcik, “FAMAS: Finite Algorithmic Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Software Tool”, IEEE 1988  International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Beijing, China, Vol. 2, pp. 1071-1074, August 1988.
  114. Howard Sholl, Reda A. Ammar, and Bin Qin, “Modeling and Simulating the Time Cost Behavior of Parallel Computations”, Proc. of the Nineteenth Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 983-990, May 1988.
  115. Reda A. Ammar and Bin Qin, “A Flow Balance Technique for Parallel Computations”, Proc. of the Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Litchfield Park, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 286-290,  March 1988.
  116. Reda A. Ammar and W.S. Weiss, “The Computer Aided Design of Real Time Software System”, 1987 IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics, Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 198-202,  October 1987.
  117. Reda A. Ammar, “Estimation of Probabilistic Models of Command Stream in Real Time Interactive Software System” 1987 IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics, Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 975-979, October 1987.
  118. Reda A. Ammar and T.L. Booth, “Software Optimization Using User Models”, 1986 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,  Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 159-163, October 1986.

Papers in workshop Proceedings

    1. Reda A. Ammar, “Hierarchical Performance Modeling”, First workshop on Information Technology in Network-based Environment”, funded by NSF, pp. 1-7, Cairo, Egypt, March 11-14, 2000.
    2. Reda A. Ammar, “Multi-layers Performance Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Software Systems”, NSF-workshop in Information Technology, Cairo, Egypt, March 12-14, 2000.
    3. Demurjian, G. Beshers, Reda A. Ammar, and T.C. Ting, “The SEEDS Project at the University of Connecticut”, CASE’88, Second International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Cambridge, MA, Section 1, pp. 36-40, July 1988.
    4. Reda A. Ammar, G. Beshers, S. Demurjian, and T.C. Ting, “A Bibliography on Software Development Tools in the Eighties” CASE’88, Second International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Cambridge, MA, Section 4, pp. 3-7, July 1988.

vReda A. Ammar and W.S. Weiss, “Guidelines for the Design of the Human-Computer Interface to A Computer Aided Software Engineering System”, CASE’88, Second International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Cambridge, MA, Section 11, pp. 3-7, July 1988.

  1. Reda A. Ammar and W.S. Weiss, “PDS: A Performance Design System to Aid the Design of High Performance Software”, CASE’87, First International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering Cambridge, Mass., pp. 599-606, May 1987.
  2. T.L. Booth, R. Lenk, Reda A. Ammar, “Measuring and Evaluating Software Performance Complexity”, 5th Minnowbrook Workshop on Software Performance Evaluation, July 1982.

Invited Seminars 

  1. “Integrating Entrepreneurship in Engineering Programs” Entrepreneurs in Global Trade, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA, November 2-4, 2009.
  2. Overview and Introduction to Intensive Experimental Learning Programs in an Entrepreneurship Context” Entrepreneurs in Global Trade, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA, November 2-4, 2009.
  3. “Grid Computing” Collage of the Computer and Information Sciences, The Arab Open University, Kuwait, January 3rd, 2009.
  4. “Hierarchical Performance Modeling” Collage of the Computer and Information Sciences, The Arab Open University, Kuwait, January 3rd, 2009.
  5. “UConn-CSE overview” Collage of the Computer and Information Sciences, The Arab Open University, Kuwait, January 3rd, 2009.
  6. “UConn, overview”, King Abudlaziz University, KSA, December 31st, 2008.
  7. “UConn, SoE, CSE overview” King Saud University, KSA, December 29th, 2008.
  8. Micro-Threading Framework on the Cell Broadband Engine”-USDA International  Workshop on Supercomputing Applications in Climate Sciences and Remote Sensing, May 14, 2008.
  9. “International Development Task Force (Study Report)”, School of Engineering, University of Connecticut, May 7th, 2008.
  10. “Micro-Threading on the Cell Broadband Engine”, IBM Watson Research Center, April 29th, 2008.
  11. “Grammatical Formalisms for RNA Secondary Structure Analysis”, Bioengineering Research Forum, University of Connecticut,  April 22, 2008
  12. “History of UConn graduates in Egypt”, Reception for UConn Alums living in Egypt, Guest House, Ain Shams University, March 18, 2008.
  13. “High Performance Modeling and Simulation of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Nono-technology Research Forum, University of Connecticut, March 5, 2008.
  14. “UConn-Egyptian Universities Collaboration (Current and Future), Helwan University, July 15, 2007.
  15. “Assessment of Computer Science Department at University of Vermont”, University of Vermont, April 25, 2007
  16. “UConn-Egyptian Universities Collaboration”, University of Connecticut, April 12, 2006.
  17. “Scheduling Methods for Efficient Utilization of Cluster Computing Environments”, Computer Science Department, University of Rhode Islands, March 31, 2006..
  18. “Performance Based Cluster Architecture”, The American University in Cairo, March 6th, 2006.
  19. “Performance Modeling and Analysis of Multilevel Caching in heterogeneous Distribute Databases”, The American University in Cairo, March 5th, 2006.
  20. DITE: Graduate Diploma in Information Technology and Entrepreneurship”, Ain Shams University,  November 2005.
  21. “Multi-objective Scheduling  Method for Efficient Utilization of Cluster Computing Environments”, ICICIS 2005, Cairo, Egypt, March 2005.
  22. “Grid Computing: Concepts, Applications and Technologies”, National Authority of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Cairo, Egypt, March 2004.
  23. “Scheduling Methods for Efficient Utilization of Grid/Cluster Computing Environments”, National Authority of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Cairo, Egypt, March 2004.
  24. Scheduling of real-time task graphs on a cluster computing environment”, University of Old Dominion, February 27, 2004.
  25. “Scheduling of real-time task graphs on a cluster computing environment”, University of Louisville and IEEE Kentucky Chapter, Louisville, Kentucky, March 2002.
  26. “Hierarchical Performance Modeling and Analysis of distributed Software Systems”, North Carolina High Performance Computer Center, April 28 ,2000.
  27. “Performance-Engineered Software Systems”, NASA Ames, February 28, 2000.
  28. “Hierarchical Performance Modeling of Software System”, Faculty of Information and Computer Sciences, Ain Shames University,  Cairo, Egypt, July 1999.
  29. “Performance Evaluation of Software Applications”, a keynote speach to the International Conference on Artificial Intelligent Applications, Cairo, Egypt, February 4th, 1999.
  30. “Non-destructive Ultrasonic Testing of Steel Pipes”, the International Conference on Artificial Intelligent Applications, Cairo, Egypt, February 5th, 1999.
  31. “Intelligent Authentication System”, Faculty of Computers and Information Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, August 1998.
  32. “Intelligent Authentication System”, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt, July 1998.
  33. “Intelligent Authentication System”, a keynote speach to the International  Conference on Artificial Intelligent Applications, Cairo, Egypt, February 20th, 1998.
  34. “Evaluating the Execution Time of a Software”, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, Connecticut, October 20th, 1997.
  35. “Scheduling Methods for Efficient Parallel Structures”, Helwan University, Helwan, Egypt, July 12th, 1997.
  36. “On Software Performance Modeling & Analysis”, Ain Shames University, Heliopolis, Egypt, July 16th, 1997.
  37. “Scheduling Methods for Efficient Parallel Structures”, Ain Shames University, Heliopolis, Egypt, July 23th, 1997.
  38. “System Synthesis Environment”, Raytheon, Mass.,  May 21, 1997.
  39. “The Computation Structure Model”, Pandrol & Jackson, Danbury, Connecticut,  March 21, 1997.
  40. “System Synthesis Environment”, Analysis & Technology, New Port, Rhode Island, February 21, 1997.
  41. “System Synthesis Environment”, Digital Equipment Corporation, Nashua, New Hampishire, December 19, 1996.
  42. “Real-Time Nondestructive Ultrasonic Inspection for Rail”, CONN/STEP, Monday October 7th, 1996, Hartford Connecticut.
  43. “Scheduling Methods for Efficient Parallel Programs”, sponsored by The IEEE Computer Society (Egypt) and The Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC), Monday December 25th, 1995, Cairo, Egypt.
  44. “Performance Modeling and Analysis of Sequential Computations”,  The Computer Science Dept., the American University in Cairo, November 22nd, 1995, Cairo, Egypt.
  45. “Optimal Scheduling Methods to Access Shared Variables Within a FORK-JOIN Structure”, Hartford Graduate Center, Hartford,  Connecticut, January 20, 1995.
  46. “A Framework of a High-Performance Arabic Character Recognition System”, the Second Congress of Arab Scientists and Technologists Abroad (ASTA), Amman, Jordan, July 29th ” August 5th, 1994.
  47. “Optimal Scheduling of Parallel Processes to Access the Critical Sections”, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, October 15, 1993.
  48. “Optimal Scheduling of Parallel Processes to Access the Critical Sections”, University of Rhode Island, November, 1992.
  49. “Parallel & Distributed Computing”, The Third Annual Computing Research Review, departmental,
  50. school, and state wide industrial community conference, May 1992.
  51. “Modeling and Analysis of Parallel Computations”, University of Waterloo, May 1991.
  52. “Object-oriented Database Support for Hierarchical Performance Modeling of Real-Time Distributed Systems” The Second Annual Computing Research Review, departmental, school, and state wide industrial community conference (sponsored by Booth Research Center), Storrs, Connecticut, May 24, 1990.
  53. “Measuring and Evaluating the Characteristics of Parallel Programs”, The Second Annual Computing Research Review, departmental,  school, and state wide industrial community conference (sponsored by Booth Research Center), Storrs, Connecticut, May 24, 1990.
  54. “Micro Time Cost Analysis of Parallel Computations”, Electrical Engineering  and Computer Science Seminar, Bucknell University, Lewisburgh, Pennsylvania, May 2, 1990.
  55. “Cost Factors in Parallel Processing” at the Center for Large Scale Computation, The Graduate School  and University Center of the City University of New York, April 26, 1990.
  56. “Software Performance Tools” The First Annual Computing Research Review, departmental, school, and state wide industrial community conference  (sponsored by Booth Research Center), Storrs, Connecticut, May 24, 1989.
  57. “Software Development Environments for Distributed, Real-Time Systems”, The First Annual Computing Research Review, departmental, school, and state wide industrial community conference (sponsored by Booth Research Center), Storrs, Connecticut, May 24, 1989.

Tutorial and Training Lectures 

  1. “Performance Modeling and Analysis of Sequential Computation”,  at the  workshop on IT in network-based Environment, March 10, 2000, Cairo, Egypt.
  2. “Performance Modeling and Analysis of Parallel Computation”, at the  workshop on IT in network-based Environment, March 10, 2000, Cairo, Egypt.
  3. Presented the tutorial: “Basic Techniques to Develop Parallel Software Algorithms”  at the Fourth Annual Computing Research Review, departmental, school, and state wide industrial community conference, May 1993.
  4. Participating in the BRC seminars presented to the Travelers Insurance Company on February 7, 1991 with a talk titled “A Design and a Modeling Environment to Develop Real-time Distributed Software Systems”.
  5. Participating in the DISCO workshop  given to the Analysis & Technology Company on January 20, 1991 with three talks titled: Software Performance Modeling, The System View: Hierarchical Modeling/Tools and The Allocation Problem: Definitions and Dependencies
  6. Attend the workshop “Teaching for Television Seminar”, sponsored by the University Center for Instructional Media & technology and the Teaching Institute at the University of Connecticut. 1994
  7. Deliver the workshop lecture: “Teaching Methodology”, to the Graduate Teaching Assistants  for Fall 1990, Storrs, Connecticut, August 30, 1990.